The Power of Behavioral Assessment Tools
As a CEO your job is to build an organization made up of highly qualified employees who are fully engaged, motivated and committed. The...
Analytics is forcing HR to evolve
HR as a function within an organization is being forced to change because of two important and interrelated trends: 1) The increasing...
People Analytics requires HR to take risks....despite its aversion to risk!
As CEO's and BOD's increasingly expect cutting edge people analytics programs in their companies HR is going to have to step out of its...
Workforce Transformation: Here is why people analytics has to be about more than just predicting whe
It can safely be said that once your significant other, whether you are married or just dating, changes their relationship status on...
Future of Work: Re-Designing our value proposition in the age of cognitive computing (part 1 of 3)
In my book The Way of the Navigator I write extensively about how robots, smart machines and intelligent software will pretty quickly...
Workforce Transformation: Moving beyond a walled garden view of HR Analytics
Big Data unchains us from reliance on one data set and gives us access to many sources of data. It moves us from a walled garden view of...